
Socitety of Monstrum - Monster collection

SoM Package #001

The package contains four(4) monsters, and two(2) female androids.
There were supposed to be a few more, but I haven't finished polishing/fixing their flaws
just yet (seams, normal maps, weight paint etc.).

There's two ways to install this package.

a) by using HIR (I'm not using this, but hopefully there's no issues.)
b) FK mod (I'm not using this one so I have no clue what it is actually called.)


SoM Package #002
The package contains five(5) monsters of various kinds. Same as with package #001 there's
two ways of installation. 

SoM Package #003
SoM Package #004

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yesss! Welcome back! We were worried, my friend